Risc-V Processor

Codasip’s RISC-V-based processors (Bk) make use of the rich ecosystem of software and hardware enabled by the extensible, RISC-V Instruction-Set Architecture (ISA) Standard, while retaining the incredible flexibility of all Codasip-made cores.

Codasip currently offers the following base versions of the RISC-V architecture: with a 3-stage, 5-stage, and a 7-stage pipeline. All are fully compliant with the RISC-V specification and fully customizable.

In addition to the base processor implementation, Codasip provides standard support for optional instruction layers as defined by the current RISC-V specification.


ll Codasip Bk cores are fully customizable to the needs of your design. Changes can be made by Codasip as part of the standard deliverable, or by your own developers using our unique IP Generation Toolkit (Codasip Studio).

Need a single-cycle MAC, specialized crypto functions, or support for non-standard data types? No problem. Better yet, thanks to the extensible nature of the RISC-V ISA, all tailored cores remain RISC-V compliant, allowing you to use the growing SW Ecosystem.


The Bk cores are supported by industry-leading SDK that is based on LLVM, GNU and other open standards, but is optimized for your unique processor configuration and backed by Codasip’s comprehensive support.


Codasip is proud to be a founding member of the RISC-V Foundation, joining industry leaders such as Google, Oracle, HP, AMD, Nvidia, and many others.

The power of RISC-V board is that it defines an ISA that helps a healthy HW and SW ecosystems develop, allowing each vendor to deliver their own unique value.

Cloud server will use Risc-V Processor in the near future. If you want to have a cheap cloud hosting with no downtime, please go to PowerHoster.

Which domain register is the cheapest domain register ?

.COM Domain Name Only $8.99



What is a Domain ?

To put it simply, a domain is an identifiable name that you use to access a site. Behind the scenes, the Internet operates on a series of numbers. Every single computer, mobile device, and website has a unique IP address. The IP address, also known as the Internet Protocol address, is what devices use to access a site’s server and download data so that it appears on your screen.

IP addresses are very long and difficult to remember. So, domains were developed to make things easier for the average Internet user. The domain name is registered to the IP address. Whenever a visitor types your domain into their browser’s address bar, the computer does a quick scan of the Domain Name System server, which is like a massive Internet phone book. The server tells the computer what IP address the domain is attached to and brings the browser to that digital space. All of this happens within seconds.

While it sounds complicated, the process is relatively simple. At the end of the day, domain names make the Internet much more accessible. Instead of remembering a random string of numbers, you can use a memorable domain to access your favorite site.

A domain name is your web address online and it’s an important component of any online presence. Finding a domain name for your website is as easy as typing it on the search bar above. If a domain name is available, simply register it. If it isn’t available, our Domain Search tool provides you with other options.

Why do I need a website for my business?

Even small local businesses that only serve their hometown need a site. That’s because the web is the first place people go when looking for a product or service. A website helps every business:

  • Promote and sell their products and services
  • Connect with new customers (and keep existing customers)
  • Build credibility
  • Compete with bigger businesses
  • Control their brand and keep their marketing fresh and current

Best of all, a website is much easier and more affordable than you might think. GoDaddy offers a complete selection of online tools for building websites, along with hosting, email and marketing options to grow their business on the web.

What About a Domain Extension?

Domain extensions are the letters that go after your domain in your URL. They’re also called top-level domains, or TLD. Some examples would include “.com” or “.gov.” Domain extensions serve a number of different purposes. Primarily, they are used to identify the site’s mission or geographical location. For example, “.com” is for commercial sites while “.gov” is reserved for government-related sites.

Extensions are coordinated and regulated by the International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, which is commonly referred to as ICANN. This organization is responsible for coming up with new top-level domains. While everyone is familiar with “.org” and “.net” domain extensions, there’s actually over a 1,000 to choose from. ICANN’s new generic top-level domain program added a ton of unique extensions that can help your site stand out.

Extensions are an important part of your domain because it’s the thing you’re paying for. You can register virtually any domain name that you want as long as it doesn’t infringe on someone else’s rights or is already taken. However, there are only so many domain extensions that you can use. In most cases, the popularity of the extension is what determines registration and renewal costs.

Is the Domain the Same as Hosting?

New website owners often confuse domains with hosting. While they both play an important role in getting your site viewed by the masses, they’re two totally different things with their own separate costs. The domain is what’s used to direct visitors to your site. Hosting is where your site is actually stored. Visitors access the hosting server, where all of your site’s content and data is, through the domain.

Many web hosting providers offer registrar services as well, which is usually the source of confusion. However, you don’t have to register your domain with your hosting provider. You can use multiple companies and services. Though, registering the domain with the hosting provider does offer some benefits. For one, you’re only billed by one company. This can help you stay organized and make it easier to keep track of expenses. Secondly, many providers offer a free domain for your first year if you’re a new member.
What is a Domain Name Registrar?

The registrar is the company that handles all of the assigning duties for your new domain. They will register your domain name and assign it to your site’s IP address. The registration and renewal fees cover these services. These companies have to be accredited by ICANN to officially qualify as a registrar.

It’s important to remember that you’re paying for registration services when you buy a domain. Once you have paid those fees, the domain is yours. Registrars do not own the domain or the domain extension. If you’re unhappy with the service you receive, you can always transfer your domain to another company. As long as you keep up with renewal fees, you don’t have to pick a new domain when you change companies. The domain you choose is yours to keep for as long as you want it.

How Much Do Domains Typically Cost?

The price of a domain is influenced by many different factors. The biggest is the popularity of the domain extension and overall availability. For a cheap domain, you can expect to pay around $15.00 a year. During your first year, prices can be as low as $0.99. Many registrars and hosting companies offer attractive introductory fees to get new customers in the door.

After your first year, you will have to renew your domain on a yearly basis to keep it active. At this point, you will be paying the normal price, which is usually between $10.00 and $20.00 for cheap domains. Some registrars also allow you to register the domain for many years at once, which is a great option if you don’t want to worry about forgetting to pay renewal fees.

Now, those prices reflect the average cost of cheap domain names. If you’re looking to invest in a popular domain, you might have to spend a pretty penny. Popular extensions can cost hundreds of dollars a year. If you want to buy an existing domain, the price goes even higher. Some .com domains have sold for several million dollars. In our digital world, domains are a hot commodity, so some of the best and most recognizable have a significant price tag.

The Cheapest Domain Register
The Cheapest Domain Register

Just as the name suggests, PowerHoster is probably the best domain name registrar for cheap domain name registration (at reasonable cost) you have. Started in 2000, PowerHoster is already the leader in the domain name business.  The company has been providing popular TLDs at cost-effective price along with unparalleled services one needs alongside domain registration.

PowerHoster is an ICANN-accredited domain name provider in wildwest domains name. The company has more than 10 million domains under management.

GoDaddy is the world’s largest domain name registrar and PowerHoster share the same servers and support team as Godaddy and the leader in the domain name industry. It boasts of 17 million customers and 55+ million domains under management worldwide. The company provides popular top-level domains (TLDs), both general and country-specific domains at a reasonable price. You can get a great domain name from GoDaddy and start an online business or personal website for the general audience worldwide or local audience with your country’s domain name.

Besides, GoDaddy offers easy domain transfers, auctions for bidding, premium domains and discount domain club for interesting discount offers.

What Does the Domain Price Include?

The price that you pay for a domain should include all of the basic services that the registrar has to do. This includes registering your new domain and assigning it to the IP address. The registration and renewal price should also include the ICANN fee. ICANN charges a very small annual fee for every domain on the web. It’s also charged for transfers. Currently, the ICANN fee is only $0.18.

Some registrars also offer additional services. The most popular is domain privacy, which helps to keep some of your personal information on the WHOIS database private. This comes with an additional cost. You may also encounter hidden fees. Make sure that you read the fine print to ensure that the registrar you choose doesn’t have unnecessary fees tacked on.

What are all these new domain extensions?

Domains like .SHOP, .BLOG, .STORE and .TECH are considered as “generic Top Level Domains” or gTLDs, while .QUEBEC, .NYC and .LONDON are categorized as geographic TLDs. These new TLDs were created to provide more naming options and as a way to diversify the list of sites on the internet.

For example, instead of using JohnSmithAccountant.Com or PizzaShop.Ca, register a domain name like JohnSmith.Accountant or MemorableMementos.Shop to create a more memorable name for your website.

How to Choose a Solid Domain Name

Your domain is very important when it comes to your site’s brand identity and Internet presence. It’s the first thing visitors will encounter when they visit your site. Before you buy domain name services, take some time to come up with a good idea that you can stick with. Here are a few tips on how to choose the best domain name for when your setting up a site or starting a blog.

Represent Your Site

A domain name should always represent the site. It should give visitors a good idea of what to expect before they click. The most popular method for choosing a domain name is to use your personal name or company name. You could also include your location, market niche, or any other identifier.

Make It Easy to Remember

Domain names are meant to be memorable. Steer clear of hyphens or random numbers. The fewer the characters, the better. You don’t want to confuse your visitors or make them accidentally visit a site that’s not yours. Try saying your domain name out loud. If it’s easy to pronounce, it’s easier to remember.

Make Sure That It’s Legal and Available

Before you try buying a domain, you need to make sure that it’s available. Do a quick Google search and take a look at the WHOIS database. The database includes every registered domain. If you find that the name you want is already taken, you can also use the database to find some contact information for the owner.

Another thing to consider is the legality of the name. The last thing you want to deal with after paying for a domain is a lawsuit. Make sure that the name doesn’t include any trademarks.

Use a Domain Name Generator

If all else fails, you can use a domain name generator. Advanced generators can help you come up with a great domain name in only a few minutes. They use basic information about your site to create options that are relevant and memorable.

Consider Domain Hacking

Domain hacking is a fun way to make your domain stand out. It involves using the domain and the extension to create memorable words or phrases. Some examples include “burri.to” or “fun.zone.” Just use your imagination and get creative. Hacked domains are easy to remember and can be used for marketing.

What are the biggest differences between Linux Hosting and Windows Hosting?

Once you start comparing the Linux vs. Windows hosting server, you’ll see the biggest difference when you log in. Linux use a command-line interface, where users enter strings of text to perform actions, compared with the familiar point-and-click interface used by Windows servers.

Some applications and features are only available for one specific type of hosting. For example, the popular cPanel hosting application runs only on Linux servers. Meanwhile, the Visual Basic or .NET programming languages are only available with Windows Hosting.

Windows Specific Applications

Windows applications which require a Windows server:

      • ASP Classic
      • ASP.NET
      • MSSQL (Microsoft SQL Server)
      • MS Access (Microsoft Access)
      • Visual Basic Development
      • C#
      • Remote Desktop (dedicated server only)

The main “advantage” or distinction of Windows servers is that they can run Microsoft software such as Access and MS SQL databases. Windows servers also offer web developers the use of Microsoft’s programming environments such as Active Server Pages (ASP), Visual Basic Scripts, MS Index Server.

What is the difference between window hosting and linux hosting
What is the difference between window hosting and linux hosting

Users can develop web site using the familiar interface of Microsoft tools such as, Visual Interdev, and Microsoft Access. With ASP users can develop a database-driven web site using Microsoft Access and Microsoft SQL as the database

Windows Dedicated Servers can support additional Windows-specific applications. For some applications, you may need to purchase a license and install the software on your Windows dedicated server.

  • Microsoft Exchange (requires license & Installation)
  • Microsoft SharePoint (requires license & Installation)

Linux Specific Applications

Applications that require a Linux-based server.

    • SSH
    • Scripts or applications that require specific Apache modules

Control Panels Windows servers and Linux servers use different control panels.

  • cPanel is available on all Linux-based hosting plans, such as Linux Shared, Reseller, VPS and Linux Dedicated Servers.
  • WHM (Web Host Manager) is available on Linux Reseller, VPS and Dedicated Servers.
  • Plesk is available on Windows Shared and Dedicated Servers.

File Names

Another difference  between Linux and Windows servers is that Linux files are case sensitive while Windows files are not.

For example:

  • On a Linux server, home.html and Home.html are different names.
  • On a Windows server, home.html, Home.html and HOME.HTML are all the same name.
Difference between window hosting and linux hosting
Difference between window hosting and linux hosting

Easy-to-understand cPanel hosting.

Whether you’re migrating a site, opening a hosting account or considering the options for cPanel hosting services, rest assured – that with cPanel hosting – you’ll be choosing the best control panel, and best hosting solution. Our cPanel hosting platform, with its intuitive, point-and-click interface, lets you manage all aspects of your website. Easily. That’s why the web-hosting-control panel of choice for many is a cPanel web host manager (WHM).

Expert help is here. For you.

When comparison shopping for web hosting – and you have additional questions about PowerHoster cPanel web hosting – you can always call one of our friendly, knowledgeable customer service individuals to help you make the right choice.

They’re smart. They know web hosting.

What is cPanel for hosting?

cPanel is a web hosting control panel that gives a web hosting customer/owner a user interface that is intended to help make managing their piece of a shared server and their website easier.

Do I need cPanel for managing a website?

You’re better off if you do. Although cPanel is one of several options for managing a website, its ease of use makes cPanel is an industry-leading control panel. It allows users to create websites using a variety of content management systems (CMS) including WordPress, Drupal, Magento and Joomla.

Is cPanel hosting available with a WordPress website?

cPanel and WordPress serve two different functions, yet they are compatible with each other; cPanel is a control panel that provides a simpler way for web hosting users to manage their piece of a shared server. WordPress is a website or blog-building application that can be downloaded and installed onto your server by using cPanel.

Does GoDaddy charge extra for a web hosting control panel?

Nope. All GoDaddy web hosting plans include the control panel at no extra charge.

What is the difference between cPanel’s powerful tools and Hosting?

Hosting is a term that refers to a user’s access to space on a server. cPanel is a control panel that give that user an interface to put their server space to work doing things like creating a website or housing files and data.

What alternative solutions does GoDaddy offer to cPanel (Odin, Plesk, Onyx, etc)?

GoDaddy offers a couple alternatives to web hosting cPanel. For web hosting GoDaddy also offer Plesk Onyx that is run on Windows servers. For hardcore developers, we have Virtual Private Servers (VPS) and Dedicated Servers available without a control panel. If you are a hosting reseller, we also offer WHMCS hosting so you may easily manage your server space and client accounts.

Is cPanel open source?

No. However, you may use cPanel to access and install over 100 applications, install different types of software, CMS, shopping platform or WordPress (which is open source).

Where to buy the cheapest and reliable managed WordPress Hosting

Managed WordPress hosting is a concierge service where all technical aspects of running WordPress is managed by the host. This includes security, speed, WordPressupdates, daily backups, website uptime, and scalability.

Managed WordPress is our turnkey service where we’ve done all the heavy lifting with our technical, security and A2 Optimized solutions to provide you with an enhanced WordPress environment.

We give you all the tools necessary to successfully run a scalable, fast and secure WordPress site out of the box. Our goal is to offer a worry-free solution so you can focus on your site, content and business.

Due to the popularity of WordPress, several web hosting providers have chosen to specialize in WordPress and offer what’s known as managed WordPress hosting.

cheapest WordPress Hosting
cheapest WordPress Hosting

Managed WordPress hosting is a concierge service where all technical aspects of running WordPress is managed by the host.

This includes security, speed, WordPress updates, daily backups, website uptime, and scalability.

The idea behind managed WordPress hosting is to offer a completely hassle-free experience, so you can focus on running your business and doing what you are good at.

One of the best parts about Managed WordPress hosting is the premium support. Your support is provided by real WordPress experts with lots of experience rather than someone who is reading a support manual.

Customers describe managed WordPress hosting as “a Five-Star Hotel for WordPress” and “like having an army of WordPress experts on your side”.


Advantages of Managed WordPress Hosting

  • Blazing Fast – Managed WordPress hosting servers are configured specially for WordPress. They are blazing fast even when your website gets a lot of traffic.
  • Security – You are practically hacker-proof when you go with a managed WordPress hosting provider. They have a very tight security layer that actively scans for malware and block all hacking attempts.
  • Expert Support – Unlike other web hosts, the staff is highly knowledgeable in WordPress. They advise you against using plugins that impact performance, solve problems faster, and much more. It is like having an army of WordPress experts on your side for assistance.
  • Daily Backups – They create daily backups and offer restore points if you ever want to revert.
  • Automatic Updates – You don’t have to worry about updates because they are done automatically.
  • No downtime – No matter how much traffic your site gets, your website will probably never go down.
  • Dev Tools – Although it varies by host, you usually dev tools such as staging area, version control, etc.

You are probably thinking that the advantages sounds pretty attractive, are there any downside?

Disadvantages of Managed WordPress Hosting

  • Price – Managed WordPress hosting is significantly more expensive when compared to shared hosting. Base plan usually starts around $29/mo. where as shared hosting plan starts at $3.95/mo. But if you factor in the cost of running a large website and the salary of system admin, then this will sound like a pretty good option.
  • Limits – Because the server architecture is specialized for WordPress, often you are limited to run only WordPress based sites. But that’s what you were looking to do anyways. You also cannot run all WordPress plugins. Managed WordPress hosting providers block plugins that slows down your site. So this is not entirely a disadvantage, but it can be an issue for larger companies.
  • Less Control – Since someone else is managing all the technical aspects, you don’t have nearly as much say as to what gets changed. But isn’t that the point? You don’t want the hassle of managing things yourself.

Now that you have read the pros and cons of managed WordPress hosting, you’re probably wondering if it’s the right solution for you.

When do I need a managed WordPress Hosting ?

If you are a beginner who is starting a blog, then you DO NOT need managed WordPress hosting. You should start with regular WordPress hosting which is a lot more affordable. We recommend Bluehost which is also one of the official WordPress hosting providers.

Now if you are a small business or have a high-traffic website, then it makes sense for you to get managed WordPress hosting. The decision really boils down to your needs.

If you lack the technical skills, then average web hosting can become a hassle as your site grows. With an average hosting (shared, VPS, or dedicated), you are responsible for security, updates, speed, uptime, etc.

As a business owner, you have two options. You could either hire a system admin to manage your website, or you can use a managed WordPress hosting provider.

If you want something that is hassle-free, blazing fast, and offer mind-blowing support, then you have your answer. Basically, if your website is your business, and you can’t afford it to go down, then pay the extra bucks for the exceptional service that you will get with managed WordPress hosting.

In the end, you have to decide whether you can justify the cost for the value. If low cost is your biggest priority, then go with a non-managed WordPress hosting provider.

Now that you have read all about managed WordPress hosting, it is time for you to make a decision. We run several sites that get millions of pageviews per month. We have tested and worked with all top web hosting companies in the industry. After having helped 100,000+ users and years of experience, our founder Syed Balkhi have personally hand-picked some of the most well-reputed managed WordPress hosting providers for you. Each of these managed WordPress hosting companies provide excellent service and support. We give each of them a perfect 5 out of 5 star rating. Check out the list of best managed WordPress hosting providers.

Key WordPress Hosting Features

Managed means easy

We do all this:

  • Automatic account setup
  • Automatic WordPress core updates
  • Nightly backups w/ 1-click restore
  • DDoS protection & site monitoring
  • Optimized WordPress servers
  • We have award-winning, 24/7 support ready to solve your toughest hosting issues, plus hundreds of WordPress videos and interactive walkthroughs.
  • Your site gets the personal bodyguard treatment, 24/7. Our security team monitors, thwarts, and deflects so you can rest easy.
  • Keep hackers away

It gives you access to thousands of free themes and plugins that help simplify the design process and allow you to add powerful features with just a few clicks. Plus, with PowerHoster Managed WordPress, you get:

  • Automatic setup, backups and WordPress software updates
  • Industry-leading performance on our premium hosting platform
  • Award-winning support from hosting experts, 24/7/365

So you can simply do this:

    • Build your awe-inspiring website
    • Host your website on the platform built expressly to optimize WordPress, with high-performance coolness like load-balanced servers and SSD drives.
    • When your site attracts visitors by the ton, you shouldn’t have to stress over your plan’s visitor limits. Get visitor overage protection, ignore your limits, and pay a minimal fee for every additional 10K visitors over plan.

What Is Managed Hosting?

Most packages on offer today would be considered managed to some extent. Why? Because running a website is actually a lot more complicated than you’d think. Many people can create and run a WordPress-powered website without too much trouble, but how many people have network management skills, or can create Nginx files and/or apply operating system upgrades to their own servers via SSH?

All websites are stored on computers, all of which have memory, a processor, a hard drive, ports that handle internet traffic and so on — and they all need to be taken care of on an operating system level. If there’s a bug in the operating system, it has to be addressed. If malware has made its way into the machine, it needs to be cleared — and that’s just scratching the surface of all the day-to-day things that need to be done to keep your site ticking over.

This is a level of management that almost all hosts offer nowadays. In fact, it’s in their best interest to do so. Most users have absolutely no need to control their low-level hosting environment — and, if given the opportunity to do so, would mostly likely make a mess of things pretty quickly. This would lead to their website going down and blame most likely placed on the host, who would then likely be tasked with getting things up and running again.

In other words, by managing your server for you, hosts kill two birds with one stone: Saving you from yourself, and saving themselves from hordes of support tickets.

Let’s call this type of management server level management — and, unless you specifically search for bare metal servers, you’ll most likely see all such features included in your chosen hosting package.

There is, however, another branch of managed hosting services that allows you to perform many common higher-level tasks on your server, for example website backups. Let’s call this second branch of services application level management.

Application level management services are the type offered in managed WordPress hosting plans. Features will likely include: Server-level caching (and many other performance-specific services); automated daily site backups; core WordPress updates; website migrations and malware scanning; the ability to quickly and easily create staging sites; on-demand WordPress-specific one-click backups, and more (we’ll go through many of these in a moment).